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Field service operations often have many difficulties like managing a dispersed workforce, tracking their activities, and processing a high volume of expenses. These challenges can lead to significant inefficiencies, errors, and delays in billing. Fortunately, advanced technological solutions are there today to reduce errors and delays in field service billing.  Let us examine how automation solutions like MyFieldHeroes can reduce errors.    Ways Automation Solutions Reduce Errors and Delays in Field Service Billing  1. Real-Time Visibility
When your medical representatives are working in the field, they incur some field expenses which you need to reimburse. However, if you both are handling such expenses on paper it can be a time-consuming and error-prone process for your pharmaceutical business. There are digital solutions today like MyFieldHeroes which make expense reimbursement a child’s play. Even if your field staff have a load of bills, there is no problem because the tool can be used

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